MY LIFE IN WORDS · Travel Diary

Blog Q & A |Books, Blogging & Travel

A little bit of getting to know me…

1. Do you receive arcs from publishers? 

Yes, I do receive ARCs (solicited & unsolicited) from publishers.

2. If you do, how do you manage with the reading datelines and work? 

I am not a pro when it comes to this but when I request for ARCs I make sure that I do request it 2-3 months prior its release date.  In that case, I’ll have the time to read and write a review for it. It’s all about planning ahead. I always have my book blogging planner with me so I won’t get lost with what book reviews I’m going to publish every month. With work getting in the way of my reading schedule, it became a little hard for me to commit to publishers with writing reviews and posting it on an earlier date. That’s why now I only request for books I KNOW I WILL READ for the amount of time I have left in my hands.

3. How are you doing so well in balancing your time with books and blogging now that you have a job overseas?

Girl to be honest, I’m not doing so well with everything right now. I am literally lost. Ever since I moved here 10 months ago, reading & blogging was a thing I did in the past. I never had the time to open my laptop nor my books. It’s never the same, adulting happened to say the least. It changed my priorities, but now I am working on how I can balance everything I want to do. Besides, I would die from work if I don’t blog or read.

4. How has blogging changed for you over the years? (whether it’s your own blog or the blogging scene in general)

For me, the blogging scene has changed tremendously. More people are more outgoing and speaking their voice for everyone to hear. I love seeing bloggers create content that is both inspiring and helpful. My blog was a tiny book blog before, trying to find its way through the blogging community but now I am happy with my blog and how it came to be for the past 3 years.

5. What are your tips for continuing with a blog when you’re really uninspired and/or aren’t getting any views?

I recommend not to continue but to take a break. I know it’s hard to be away from blogging but if it’s draining you and you’re feeling down because of it, your only way to get out of it is to take your time off. Don’t pressure yourself to post more content if you’re not in your game because, in the end, you’ll burn out. Do other things that make you happy maybe by doing those you’ll find your blogging mojo once more.

6. Which author are you most dying to meet?

I don’t have someone in mind that I’m REALLY dying to meet. Maybe Uncle Rick Riordan since he wrote my all-time favorite series and his humor is on point!

7. Do you have a specific/favorite book to get back into over and over? If yes, what is it?

No, because I believe that there are more books to discover and read. That’s just my opinion, I rarely reread any book.

8. Top 3 television shows you recommend?

As of the moment I recommend; Reign, Criminal Minds and Chef’s Table. Weird combinations right?

9. Who is Nicka when traveling?

She’s a girl hungry for adventure, who wants to explore the hidden gems of every place she visits. Whenever I travel I always make sure I take something with me when I leave.

10. What did you learn about yourself while traveling?

THIS QUESTION I have yet to answer when I travel alone in a foreign country with no one else but me. So look forward to that.

11. If there’s one thing you wanted to teach to everyone, what would it be and why?

The concept of appreciation. In my 21 years of existence, I have seen a little amount of appreciation thrown at people who really deserve them. No matter how small the effort is, learn to be grateful and give thanks to anyone in any given situation.

12. Where do you want to travel the most?

My dream travel destination is Japan or any European country. Stay tuned for my travel bucket list blog post (shameless plug).

13. Best blogging advise you have ever received?

Don’t give in from the pressure of blogging and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

14. When did you do something start out badly for you but in the end it was great?

I sucked at blogging before but where I am now I have to say that it turned out great. There are always those moments that we thought we’re never going to get through but in the end, we did.

I would appreciate it if you could answer some of these questions in the comment section below, I’m excited to read your answers.

List of awesome people who asked me these Q’s: Thank you guys!
Jessica @ Endless Chapters | Raf @ The Royal Polar Bear Reads | Sabrina @ The Reader Devotee | Maan @ pigeonwrites | Alyssa @ Alyssa Carlier | Sophie @ Sophie Blogs!   | Tiffany @ Read by Tiffany | Justine @ Bookish Wisps


2 thoughts on “Blog Q & A |Books, Blogging & Travel

  1. I love your answers Nicka! I agree about taking a break from blogging–unlike writing a novel, sometimes you need to take a break from blogging to create more quality content. And it’s perfectly fine not to be able to find the motivation to churn out new posts sometimes. At the end of the day it is always quality>quantity.


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